Remote connection

Information to connect remotely to our symposium

  • First of all, make sure to install the Zoom App in advance

How to download the Zoom desktop or mobile app 

  • In order to know the exact schedule of the symposium, please check the planning section on the left column or click here.
  • The symposium time zone will be Eastern Time. If you will connect from a different time zone, pay attention to the conversion. You can check the time difference at the following website

  • Below the information to connect in real time to our symposium  

Click on this link to join the symposium:

ID meeting: 984 3381 1110
Access code: 385552 

Professional interpreter available "English - Italian" as requested 

E' attivo il servizio di interpretariato "Inglese - Italiano" come richiesto

For italian speakers only - Come attivare la funzione di traduzione professionale?

E' necessario aver installato Zoom (vedi istruzioni precedenti), munirsi di auricolari e una volta connessi al simposio tramite il link sopra indicato, basterà cliccare sull'icona di seguito indicata e selezionare la lingua "Italiano". 




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