Mini consults Sign Up

This section is intended for caregivers only.

Please first register to the symposium, then come back to this section and complete the intake form.

There will be an opportunity for families to sign-up for individual brief 15-20 minute “mini consults/meetings” with some of the invited specialist if you have any questions you’d like to discuss about your child. These are not formal clinical visits – merely a chance to ask more general questions to the providers about your child.

If you would like to sign up for a mini consult, a completed medical history questionnaire is required in advance, you can download it by clicking the following

Intake Form.
Please send back the completed intake form to

A list of specialists attending are below. Please register and send back the form by June 15th if you would like to meet with any of these specialists and indicate which ones in order of preference in the registration form.


  • Genetics
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Child Development
  • Immunology
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