How to register

If you are joining the symposium, please register by clicking on the button "Registration" on the MAIN MENU of the left column.

You need to follow 3 steps

  1. Create an account, you will receive an emai with an activation link.
  2. Click on the link and complete your account creation.
  3. Then click again on the button "Registration" on the MAIN MENU of the left column to register.

Some useful indications.

This symposium is intended for clinicians, researchers and patients/caregivers.

  • If you are attending the symposium as an expert of the field, please indicate in the registration form which is your institution and if you will join in person or remotely.
  • If you are a patient/caregiver, there are some opportunities which the organizing committee of the symposium is offering. Please indicate in the registration form the number of accompanying persons (i.e. 3 if you are coming with your husband and your two children) and indicate if you are willing to have mini consults with experts. You can indicate more than one option. Once you registered, please go the the section "Mini consults Sign Up" that you find on the left column in the main menu of this page.

It's important to know this information in advance in order to properly plan the event.

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